
Citizens School Dubai: A School Where Education is Re-Imagined

Location –  243 22D St – Al Satwa – Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Website –

Contact – +971 4 602 4000


Located in the heart of Dubai, Citizens School exemplifies innovative, child-centered education. Committed to nurturing the next generation of global citizens, the school equips learners with the knowledge, skills, and empathy required to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Since inception, the school has embraced diverse perspectives, ensuring that learners are prepared to succeed in a multicultural environment.

Mission and Vision: The mission of Citizens School is to reimagine education for a future-ready world. By contributing to a globally recognised future learning framework, the school aims to enable learners to excel and enjoy a higher quality of life. The vision is to create an environment where learners can discover their potential, pursue their passions, and positively impact their community and beyond. Central to this vision are values that focus on a learner-centered community, empathy development, entrepreneurial culture, and a holistic approach to well-being.

Infrastructural Facilities:

Citizens School’s campus is a model of modern architecture and sustainable design, creating an environment conducive to the holistic development of learners. The learning studios are equipped with the latest technology and designed to be flexible and adaptable to various teaching and learning styles. Dedicated STEAM labs for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics provide advanced tools and resources to inspire creativity and innovation.

The campus features a dynamic library and media center, providing information and digital resource hubs that give learners access to extensive learning materials. Performing arts facilities, including a fully equipped auditorium, music rooms, and dance studios, encourage learners to explore and develop their artistic talents. Extensive sports facilities, such as a multi-purpose sports hall, swimming pool, outdoor sports fields, and fitness centers, promote physical well-being and a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor learning is a cornerstone of the school’s approach, with thoughtfully designed spaces that allow learners to engage with nature through gardens, play areas, and outdoor classrooms. The campus has hi-tech digital infrastructure, ensuring technology integration into daily learning activities. Prioritising the health and well-being of learners and staff, the school has created mindfulness and relaxation spaces and features a dedicated in-house clinic staffed with qualified medical professionals.

Key Distinguishing Factors:

Citizens School stands out for several key factors that set them apart from other regional institutions. Their educational approach is rooted in the British National Curriculum, accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai’s regulatory body for private education.

Beyond the core curriculum, they have developed a bespoke framework, the Citizens Future Framework (CFF) which takes a more holistic approach to learning and aims to nurture future-ready skills and mindsets to enhance the quality of the children’s lives. With a focus on educating and empowering citizens of the future, Citizens School ensures that learners develop the skills they need to solve real-life challenges. 

Responsive teaching is a hallmark of the pedagogical approach at Citizens School, involving continuous assessment and agile adjustment of teaching strategies to meet the evolving needs of learners. This creates a dynamic and effective educational model. The school environment prioritises academic excellence, emotional intelligence, and social skills, supported by the Behaviour for Learning Framework, promoting positive learning behaviors through conversations emphasising empathy, respect, and mutual understanding.

The infrastructure further enhances the learning experience with flexible and adaptable learning studios, dedicated STEAM labs, a dynamic library, a media center, specialised performing arts facilities, extensive sports facilities, outdoor learning spaces, and a commitment to environmental stewardship.

Ensuring a Safe and Nurturing Environment:

The safety and well-being of learners are paramount at Citizens School. Comprehensive measures, including advanced security systems with surveillance cameras and controlled access points, ensure that only authorised individuals can enter the premises. Dedicated security personnel are trained to handle situations promptly and effectively, providing a constant presence to safeguard learners.

The school prioritises safeguarding and child protection through rigorous policies and procedures. All staff members undergo thorough background checks and regular training in child protection and first aid, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle any issues that may arise. Mentors are trained in restorative practices, creating a supportive atmosphere where learners feel valued and understood. A detailed safeguarding policy, developed in collaboration with the Safeguarding Alliance, ensures that the highest child protection standards are maintained.

Supporting Early Childhood Development:

At Citizens School, early childhood education is anchored in innovative teaching methods and philosophies that emphasise active learning, creativity, and emotional well-being. Inquiry-based learning encourages curiosity and exploration, allowing children to ask, investigate, and engage deeply with the subject matter. Differentiated instruction tailors teaching methods to meet individual needs, ensuring all learners can access the curriculum effectively and progress at their own pace.

Cooperative learning activities enhance communication, leadership, and teamwork, while technology integration enriches learning experiences and prepares children for the digital future. Hands-on experiences through arts integration, STEAM projects, and outdoor learning help children connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications. Reflective practice, guided by mentors, builds self-awareness and a continuous improvement mindset.

Balancing Technology and Traditional Learning Methods:

Citizens School recognises the importance of technology in preparing learners for a rapidly evolving digital world. The curriculum integrates advanced technology, including interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational software, while maintaining a balance with traditional learning methods. Digital literacy is a core component of the curriculum, teaching learner’s essential skills such as coding, digital creation, and online safety.

Experiential learning, both virtual and real-world, is a critical aspect of the balanced approach. Digital portfolios support reflective practice, complemented by traditional assessment methods like written exams and oral presentations. Professional development for mentors ensures they are equipped to blend technology with traditional teaching methods seamlessly, creating a rich and diverse learning environment.

Incorporating Outdoor Play and Nature-Based Activities:

Outdoor play and nature-based activities are integral to the curriculum at Citizens School, starting from the nursery level. Well-maintained outdoor play areas provide a safe and stimulating space for physical activities, promoting physical development, coordination, and social interaction. Nature-based activities, such as gardening, help children understand biology and the life cycle of plants, fostering curiosity and responsibility toward nature.

Outdoor classrooms enhance engagement and appreciation of the environment, with lessons in various subjects enriched by sensory experiences and observational opportunities. Sustainability and environmental stewardship are emphasised through programs that teach renewable energy, conservation, and sustainable living practices. Outdoor physical activities like yoga and mindfulness exercises support emotional regulation and overall well-being.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion:

Citizens School is committed to creating an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity. The Inclusion Governor at the board level plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging for all learners. Global citizenship and cultural competency are integrated into the learning framework through themed projects, international days, language programs, and cultural exchanges.

Hiring practices focus on recruiting a diverse staff, and professional development for mentors emphasises inclusive teaching practices and cultural competency. Tailored support for learners with special educational needs and disabilities ensures that every learner can succeed. Community engagement through events, workshops, and volunteer initiatives strengthens partnerships with families and embraces diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Involving Parents in the Learning Journey:

Citizens School recognises the vital role of parents in their child’s educational journey. Regular communication through newsletters, emails, and the school portal keeps parents informed and involved. Parent-teacher meetings allow for personalised learning plans, while workshops and informational sessions equip parents with knowledge and skills to support their child’s learning at home.

Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities and events, fostering a sense of community. Feedback from parents through surveys and open forums shapes school policies and curriculum enhancements. Volunteer opportunities allow parents to contribute their time and expertise to various school projects and activities.

Special Programs and Extracurricular Activities:

Citizens School offers a wide range of special programs and extracurricular activities to enhance the educational experience. The Entrepreneurship Programme encourages learners to develop critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills. The Sports Programme promotes a healthy lifestyle and teamwork through various physical activities and competitions.

The Arts and Culture Programme nurtures creative expression, while the Music Programme develops musical abilities through instrument lessons, choir, and ensemble performances. The Health and Well-being Programme includes mindfulness, yoga, and nutritional education. The Sustainability Programme teaches learners about renewable energy, conservation, and sustainable living practices.

Future Plans and Continuous Improvement:

Citizens School is dedicated to continuously evolving and enhancing its educational offerings. Plans include expanding the curriculum to include more innovative and interdisciplinary learning opportunities, including advanced STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) programs that help develop analytical and creative problem-solving skills. Additionally, enhancing the Health and Well-being Program, and strengthening commitment to sustainability and environmental education. Partnerships with local organisations, businesses, and cultural institutions will provide learners with real-world experiences and diverse perspectives.

Increased parental involvement through workshops, informational sessions, and volunteer opportunities will further engage families in the educational journey. Continuous professional development for mentors will focus on the latest educational research and innovative teaching practices. Leveraging technology will enhance learning experiences and prepare learners for a digital future.


Citizens School Dubai stands out as a model of innovative, inclusive, and future-ready education. With a mission to reimagine education for a future-ready world, the school provides a nurturing environment that prioritises academic excellence, emotional intelligence, and social skills. Through advanced infrastructure, unique teaching methods, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion, Citizens School prepares learners to thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape.

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