Crawford International School – Your Home of Learning

Location – off Ngenda Rd, Tatu City, Kenya

Website –

Contact – +254 020 765 1053

To attain career and academic success, students not only have to memorize and learn the educational content, but they also  have to pursue education from an institution of repute, which offers a numerous options and empowers the students. Such institutions are driven by the motive to nurture every student equally and to build them to become better professionals and humans.  

Crawford International School constantly reassesses curriculum and teaching approaches, adapting to the child’s needs and aligning with global goals and trends. Since its inception in 1993, it has established itself as one of the most renowned institutions in South Africa. It has made a name for itself on the academic front by producing some of the most successful students over the years. The school’s origin roots back to ADvTECH Group, a renowned name in South Africa. This company works with the education and recruitment industries in South Africa and the rest of Africa.

The school is known for its high academic performance and progressive outlook. It constantly keeps updating itself with the latest happenings around the world and accordingly adjusts its curricular and co-curricular offerings.

Crawford International School was established in Kenya because ADvTECH Group intended to start a school that would charge a medium fee while providing excellent educational facilities to the students. Hence, the school’s fee is about 45% of what the other schools charge. The school is driven by the idea of providing education for an emerging middle class and providing progressive educational facilities to the students. This opinion was based on the research carried out by the authorities who felt the requirement of incorporating cutting-edge technologies in education. They also realised that this would provide a firm ground for the Crawford brand to offer exceptional facilities. Hence, this is one of the reasons for establishing the school in Kenya.

Circullum for students

Crawford International School follows the Cambridge International Curriculum to ensure the academic development of the students. It trains the students at IGCSE, A-levels, or AS-levels. Apart from the mentioned academic offering, the school also runs a parallel curriculum that includes various subjects such as leadership components, cryptocurrency, philosophy, music, dance, drama, etc.

The school tries to provide tremendous opportunities to the children to grow in this rapidly changing world. The curriculum also incorporates certain 21st-century skills that can help nurture the students while preparing them for the challenges of this modern competitive world. Major skills such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, along with IT courses, are also a part of the curriculum.

IT and Infrastructure

Crawford is completely IT-focused. It aims at strengthening its IT infrastructure to deliver better academic outcomes. When COVID was adversely affecting countries, economies, and educational institutions at large, the school was able to successfully transition to online mode of education by using different digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams. Crawford is also a part of Microsoft Showcase School.

Moreover, currently in East Africa, there are only two Microsoft Showcase Schools, out of which Crawford is one. The school constantly trains and upgrades its teachers. It endeavours to educate the children about the importance of the digital space and what it means to be a digital citizen. The school believes students should understand that technology should only be used as a tool; they should not let technology take over their entire life.

It should be used as a means to enhance learning and education. The school’s authority always aims to provide cutting-edge technology to the students and provide them with every opportunity to explore their limits and learn more. Hence, the management always looks for new procedures and learning methods to engage the students and enhance the learning outcomes.

Educational Sucess

Crawford’s priority is to make sure that the children receive outstanding education so that they are able to graduate successfully and proceed towards opting for top universities to carry on with higher education.  Accordingly, it focuses on getting the students into A-levels at least and ensuring that they can cope with new technologies and new teaching styles.

The school wants to transform the students into 21st-century learners. It believes that each student needs to possess critical thinking and analytical abilities. They should be able to communicate effectively and collaborate efficiently to bring about impactful changes in society. The authority inculcates an international mindset among the students; this ensures that the students learn to prepare themselves not only to contribute dedicatedly in Kenya but also beyond national boundaries. Accordingly, the students will also prepare themselves to go abroad and study hard. The school believes it is essential that the students receive a good academic grounding for their overall development.

The Leading Light

Crawford International School has achieved tremendous success under the astute leadership of Ms. Jenny Coetzee, the Managing Director. With over 42 years of teaching experience, she has made a major impact in the education sector. She has been associated with ADvTECH Group for 23 years, throughout which she always has focused on uplifting education and providing better opportunities to every student. During her illustrious career, Ms. Jenny served across many educational institutions such as Crawford La Lucia (15 years). She has also played an important part in starting Crawford’s Greenfield site.

Under the leadership of Ms. Jenny, the school has reached many noteworthy landmarks. She aims to take Crawford to newer heights while achieving more accolades along the way. Her leadership enabled the school to carry out various exchange programs, which further enhanced educational initiatives.

Attaining Extra-Curricular Excellence

Crawford is dedicated to not only the academic development of the students but also provides ample scope for the students to excel in various extra-curricular activities. It has various clubs and sports which provide students with the opportunity to learn and grow dynamically. Different clubs ranging from crafts like crocheting, knitting to aviation allow students to thrive. It also has an innovators club and a chess club. Crawford promotes different varieties of sport. The school emphasizes the sport of swimming. It has a dedicated heated pool of Olympic standards.

The school has a dedicated coach for swimming. It is also training the students to be brilliant rugby players to create a strong rugby team that would be able to succeed in different championships and tournaments. Crawford also emphasizes training the students in hockey and soccer. It has hired the captain of the national hockey team to provide professional training to the students. Moreover, the school also provides excellent training in netball, basketball, and much more. It is also making arrangements to introduce cricket so that interested students can also get exposure to that sport.

Crawford is planning to build four tennis courts and basketball courts next year, for which the arrangements will be made very soon. It also houses a multi-purpose hall where students can play different games such as badminton. Furthermore, the school focuses on other sports such as golf and table tennis.

It constantly works with the students and remains open for suggestions so that it can carry out different developmental activities in the extra-curricular arena. The school works very closely with the students through the leadership program and responds dynamically to all their queries. Along with sports offerings, Crawford International School also offers in-depth dance, drama, music production, and much more sessions.

Flexible Learning Opportunities

Crawford International School offers an all-around, holistic education to the students. It follows an adaptable educational approach. The timetable is flexible and is prepared in such a way that the students can avail of the classroom sessions from any place and at any time. For example, if students are travelling elsewhere in order to participate in any national or international event, they can easily participate in online classes on the go.

Alternatively, the school’s timetable works on a cycle. It does not follow a Monday to Friday schedule. It is a nine-day cycle, which means that if children have to be out playing sport for various terms, they will not miss all their lessons. This is because the school follows a cyclic timetable.

The management believes in the whole motto, “Every child is a masterpiece,” and it tries and makes it work for each child. The school does not tie students to rigid subject packages; rather, it gives them the opportunity to choose the subjects of their interest. Once the choice is made, the school authorities make a certain timetable around the same. Crawford International School streamlines everything related to the course offered to the student to ensure that everything is financially and structurally viable.

Preparing the students for the future

With the vision of providing students with the opportunity to sculpt bright careers for themselves, Crawford International takes many necessary steps. It has a complete careers department that works with the various universities. It also conducts a career week every year, where every student gets an equal opportunity to experience and gather in-depth information about careers in different industries.

It also has a program, which enables the students to go out and gather hands-on physical workplace experience. The school also provides the students with access to various career fairs. Additionally, it has introduced life coaching sessions, which improve the students’ confidence and give them a new perspective about life and careers.

The school overcame the challenges imposed by COVID-19 and allowed students to pursue digital internships. It has developed strong connections with universities and is also registered with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.

Many guest speakers have visited the school and have shared their opinions with the students. It also maintains strong relations with the parents and shares information about various career opportunities for the children. Before Crawford International allows the students to choose any subject, it conducts an aptitude test via a full-time psychologist. The psychologist also conducts private interviews with every child and their parents. Hence, as far as careers are concerned, the careers department takes every necessary step to ensure that every student shines in the career path they opt for.


Crawford International School have grown in 4 years from 2018  to have over 600 students in 2022.

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