From the moment school starts back up, a series of adjustments in students’ routines becomes necessary. In this context, a common concern among parents is how to help their children achieve good academic and social performance throughout the school year. Both the school and families play a crucial role in the learning process of children and adolescents.
According to the educator and CEO of the American School of Vitória, Cristiano Carvalho, school and family are partners in the education of students. Like in any partnership, each has its specific roles toward a common goal. Families can create conditions and strategies for studies to continue beyond the academic environment.
“During the vacation period, children and young people have a more flexible routine. Adjusting this routine for the school period demands energy and time. Therefore, one of the first measures to take is to return to sleeping and waking up at the regular times of the school year, respecting the recommended amount of sleep hours for each age group by the Brazilian Pediatric Society. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary for a good return to classes,” suggests Cristiano.
According to the director, an organized study space enhances learning. “Cutting-edge international schools, such as the American School of Vitória, for example, invest heavily in the architecture of spaces so that students are exposed to study materials, their work, and the languages used. At home, families should pay attention to the spaces where their children study, including temperature, lighting, sound, and the resources they need. Learning is better and more enjoyable in places that are prepared for study,” he points out.
Technology in Support of Learning
Parental engagement with their children’s performance in school is crucial for collaboration between the family and the educational institution. Therefore, the American School of Vitória has developed various digital tools to allow parents to monitor their students’ academic progress in a practical and detailed manner.
“The school’s app offers features allowing parents to track everything from arrival times to activities, grades, subject difficulties, performance evaluations, and behavior, taking into account the student’s collaboration and participation levels. The tool also serves as a direct line of communication between families, coordinators, and teachers, providing a channel for conversation and clarification of doubts. This monitoring is crucial for parents to assist students at home, structuring environments and organizing study routines,” says Mr. Kay, the EAV Principal.
In addition to this platform, EAV has an English and Mathematics tool for students from the 1st grade onwards, where students, teachers, and parents have access and can identify students’ learning levels. “This is another support for the development of necessary competencies. The IXL platform offers teaching, various activities, and feedback, with indicators of which areas and skills the student needs to focus on more,” explains the director.
Another tool provided for classes at the end of early childhood education and the beginning of elementary school is Raz-Kids. It is a literacy application that can be used at home and has a large collection of books for children to practice reading, listening, and English dialogue through practical activities.
Study Plan
EAV also offers the Advisory subject, which are classes for students from the 6th grade onwards focusing on organization and study planning. In addition to learning, students develop responsibility, discipline with studies, and proactivity in these classes. “Through all these tools, parents can monitor and have an understanding of their children’s academic performance to help students apply what they learn in the classroom and bring that planning to organize their studies at home,” Mr. Kay affirms.