A Transformative Journey in Education: An Interview with Ms. Lina Ashar, Founder of Dreamtime Learning

A Brief Journey

Ms. Lina Ashar’s educational journey began in England, where she completed her primary schooling before moving to Australia. There, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Melbourne’s Victoria College. In 1991, a year-long sabbatical took her to India, where she connected with her roots and found a teaching job in suburban Mumbai. The stark contrast between India’s traditional education system and the progressive approach she was accustomed to in Australia spurred her to make a change.

Determined to revolutionize education in India, Ms. Ashar established the first Kangaroo Kids Preschool in Bandra, Mumbai in 1993, starting with just 25 students. The success of this initiative led to the creation of a network of Kangaroo Kids Preschools and Billabong High International Schools across 29 cities in India, as well as in Dubai, the Maldives, and Qatar.

Leveraging Technology in Education

Ms. Ashar believes that technology is a critical tool for enhancing learning outcomes in today’s classrooms. New-age technologies such as AI, AR, VR, and MR have made education more informative, immersive, and engaging. At Dreamtime Learning, they use multimedia tools, social media platforms, online collaboration tools, and virtual classrooms to create dynamic and effective learning environments. Adaptive learning platforms further personalize education, ensuring that each student receives the support and challenges they need.

Educators’ Role in a Rapidly Evolving Job Market

Ms. Ashar emphasizes that educators must prepare students for a rapidly changing job market by equipping them with critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and adaptability skills. Ongoing professional development for teachers is essential to keep up with educational trends and enhance teaching methodologies. Moreover, fostering a mindset of continuous learning among students is crucial for their long-term success.

About Dreamtime Learning

Having established Kangaroo Kids and Billabong High schools, Ms. Ashar developed a learner-centric education system with a research-based curriculum and practical application of knowledge. She successfully managed a network of 130 schools across four countries before founding Dreamtime Learning in 2022. Dreamtime aims to create a holistic learning environment where students can pursue their dreams through self-driven educational tools. Their approach is designed to ignite human potential and help each student become the best version of themselves.

Overcoming Challenges

One significant challenge Ms. Ashar faced was convincing parents to move away from rote learning and embrace a more experiential approach to education. Initially skeptical, parents became the biggest advocates once they witnessed the positive impact on their children. With a dedicated team, she overcame various hurdles to make learning fun and experiential, focusing on the science of learning driven by neuroscience, behavioral science, and future context understanding.

Motivation and Vision

Ms. Ashar’s vision is to provide quality education to every child in the country. This ambition keeps her motivated, along with her passion for children’s learning, peace, happiness, self-mastery, and creating a world of abundance. Introducing a learner-centric methodology and innovative ways of learning has been her way of questioning the status quo and sparking human greatness.

Encouraging Creativity and Critical Thinking

At Dreamtime, Ms. Ashar encourages creativity and critical thinking through programs that incorporate brain and behavioral science, an entrepreneurial mindset, and social-emotional intelligence. These programs help students understand diverse learning styles, embrace innovation, manage their emotions, and build positive relationships. Continuously updating the curriculum ensures it remains relevant and effective.

Influences and Philosophies

Ms. Ashar credits her mother as the most significant influence on her career. Her mother recognized Ms. Ashar’s natural inclinations and supported her passions, teaching her the importance of nurturing each student’s unique potential. This philosophy has shaped Ms. Ashar’s approach to education, emphasizing a supportive environment where students can explore and grow.

Vision for the Future

Ms. Ashar’s vision for the future of education is to provide every child with a transformative, high-quality learning experience. By promoting emotional safety and fostering resilience, enthusiasm, and a clear vision, she aims to create an enlightened future. The dynamic and individualized methods introduced through Kangaroo Kids, Billabong High, and Dreamtime Learning stand as testaments to the power of innovative education.

A Message to Students

Ms. Ashar has a message for every learner: Remember that you have the potential to achieve anything you set your mind to. Your unique skills, interests, and talents are waiting to be unlocked. Stay curious, embrace challenges, and develop empathy, kindness, and resilience. Become lifelong learners, continuously upgrading and upskilling to stay ahead and build a better future for all.

By fostering a love for learning and a commitment to personal growth, Ms. Ashar hopes to inspire the next generation to pursue their paths with determination and enthusiasm.

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