Kingsley International School – ‘Invest, Impart, Instil’
“We nurture future leaders with good character, good attitude and discipline”
Established in 2011, Kingsley International School is on its way to be a global platform in fostering great character, strong values and high achievement in all their students. They are on their mission to provide an enabling learning environment for their students to attain their fullest potential and to embrace their core values – ‘Invest, Impart, Instil’.
Inception Story
Kingsley International School started its operation in September 2011 setting the momentum for the establishment of the Kingsley Education Group. The new school campus is strategically situated at Kingsley Hills and commenced operation in September 2015. Surrounded by lush green and offering a breath-taking sight of the city sky-line of Kuala Lumpur, offering a healthy and clean studying environment far from the industrial and city areas. 14 acres of beautiful land offers children the opportunity to study with great facilities and educators. The school can cater to up to 2700 students. With plenty of rooms for studies or activities, students experienced studying in a tranquil and pollution free environment.
The KIS campus features many state-of-the-art facilities including air-conditioned classroom with Smartboards, canteen, IT resource centre, music room, dance studio, speech & drama rooms, storytelling room, sewing room, music rehearsal room, language lab, science and media labs, outdoor basketball courts, futsal courts, gymnastic halls, a library, sound-proof music rehearsal rooms, multipurpose halls, a swimming pool, even indoor and outdoor playgrounds for Early Year Education students and two hostel blocks catering to their international staff and students. The new campus also features a brand new sick bay where full time in-house nurses will be stationed to take care of the students’ health.
From the Leader’s Desk
Kingsley International School is a bully-free school. Our culture of care and trust is why our students, parents and teachers believe in the Kingsley way. The School’s bully-free policies are preventive and restorative as harsh discipline does not benefit children. Our primary concern is to safeguard a reassuring environment for every child, where no one is singled out or ignored. Through role-play, discussions, and daily interactions, kids are taught the importance of reflection and respect in an environment of trust right from the start. Anti-bullying awareness is also one of the three pillars of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum.
In Kingsley, we globalise our students’ character through healthy habits and positive learning. The Student Development Programme complements academic study to broaden our student’s world-view while cultivating healthy attitudes and good attributes. These experiences help kids develop and demonstrate leadership, initiative, discipline, reflection, communication skills, respect, and empathy. At the end of their education at Kingsley, kids go on to become more holistic, self-motivated and mindful individuals who are confident of their place in the world.
Diversified Curriculum and Facilities
Kingsley International School, uses English Language in the delivery of all its subjects in school. There are foreign languages Offered-Spanish, Mandarin while it is compulsory for all local students to take the national Language of Bahasa Malaysia.
Kingsley International School is a Cambridge International School with CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) accreditation offering a strategic curriculum and character education from Nursery to Pre-University. The Curriculum developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations and National Curriculum for England and Wales. Visualization and active learning will be integrated in every subject.
In Learning and Development, there are Seven Areas of Learning which the curriculum is organised to make sure children make all round development in this important stage. These seven areas guide the teaching and learning in the Foundation Stage Years – nursery and reception classes. They ensure the young children make good and strong progress in their earliest years. This stage in life is the most important as children’s minds and bodies grow and develop the most.
Our teachers are multinational. They are passionate, competent and caring. The maximum student per class is 25 students. Students get personalized attention. Kingsley’s teachers and staff aim to provide the best for the education of every child. Apart from striving in academic, we at Kingsley aim to build characters and good values in our students.
Kingsley also offers more than 60 ECA (Extra Curricular Activities) with a wide range of Sports, Clubs and Societies. Students learn the value of discipline, healthy competition, teamwork, sportsmanship and determination while exercising their bodies, minds and social skills through regular sporting activities and inter house games. The school’s vigorous sports programme provides opportunities for kids to develop motor skills, fitness and good sportsmanship. In addition to a regular fitness routine, students get to choose from a wide variety of athletic and sporting activities. Kingsley has four school sport houses named Tudors, Romans, Vikings and Stuarts (named after the legendary Old World conquerors). Every year, the four sport houses compete for house points to win the Inter House Sports Cup. It is through sports that our students learn discipline, teamwork and leadership and that, win or lose, the most important thing is making it to the finish line.
We have a diversity of nationalities students who are from Malaysia, Europe, America, Australia, India, Indonesia, China, Japan, Korea and Middle Eastern Countries therefore, Kingsley also provide two hostel blocks where boarders maintain good discipline and develop character and learn to be independent whilst living in the residential hall. A teacher supervises and advises students in their after-school programs like homework completion, daily revision as well as participating in diverse extracurricular activities such as dance, playing a musical instrument, arts, swimming and a variety of sports. Dinner is usually served between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Thereafter, students have free time for board games or to prepare for their classes for the next day or just to be with their friends. Two full-time nurses work on shifts to provide medical care. Pastoral care comes form of a team of caring
wardens and a counsellor to ensure the students’ mental and social well-being is taken care of. A team of well-trained security guards work on a rotation of 24-hours to ensure the campus is a safe and secure environment to study and live in for all students.
Kingsley has outsourced third party bus operators for parents who need transportation for their children. There are several bus operators serving various parts of the city.
Accolades- Accreditations and Awards
Kingsley was announced as a winner of RFL (Recycle for Life) with collaboration with Global Environment Centre (SMART RANGER ROJECT) partnered with Coca-Cola Foundation under the Ministry of Education (MoE) this year. At Kingsley, we teach our students to save Mother Earth. For all top achievers in academic and sports activities, we have a committee to recognize our students and honor them with monetary rewards since we had our first cohort in 2012.
Beyond Traditional Learning
At Kingsley we are heading towards becoming a school influencer. We offer e-learning, innovation and futuristic learning, interdisciplinary active learning, research based, problem based learning, enhanced advance digitization learning, blended learning technology and engage cutting-edge technology in our pedagogy. These are incorporated in the curriculum for the overall development of the students.
Kingsley provides an exciting and interesting problem-based blended learning, hands on activities, projects, learning journeys and is a keen promoter of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Young people are often disconnected from what it means to relate to others even though they are connected 24/7. Children are engaged from an early age to get involved in the local community and to take an interest in the wellbeing of others. Students participate actively in CSR programs such as Orang Asli (ethnic group) Foundation, BORNEO Orang Utan Foundation, National Cancer Council (MAKNA) Foundation in Malaysia.
Learning Journeys are a series of real-world experiences for primary and secondary students which enriches the academic learning with hands on exploration to allow them to manage real life issues in the places they visit. The programme offers opportunities for students to embed themselves in new cultures and gain personal insight on living in a wider world. It is tailored to specific areas of interest and learning needs of each group of students by our experienced educators.
Providing Blooming Opportunities
In Kingsley, we believe in aiding and rewarding students who perform well, not only academically, but also in their field of interest and skills. Since the year 2013, we have offered scholarships to deserving students to continue their high school education in year 7. Besides scholarships, Kingsley also offer student volunteer work part time, fee staggered payments and work for credit scheme.
After completion of High School students can proceed to Kingsley Cambridge A- Level (Sixth Form). The Cambridge A Level (Sixth Form) will commence in September and January every year for students
who completed their IGCSE/O Level examinations or equivalent. The Cambridge A Level is a pre-university programme targeted for students who want to pursue their tertiary studies. There are also University Partnerships and collaborations besides A-Level.
Kingsley is planning on providing more vocational courses in areas that benefits and enhances life-long learning for our students.